The White Dorper breed is at the helm of the meat sheep industry breeds of Australia because of the following advantages:
- The characteristic that sets the White Dorper sheep apart from all traditional Australian sheep breeds is that of the wool. White Dorper fleeces are compiled of short wool and hair, with a clean kemp underline. The property that is so distinctive and desirable about this combination is that the fleece is shed periodically, removing the need for shearing and crutching reducing costs annually.
- White Dorpers are not susceptible to fly strike, again resulting in less costs for preventative insecticide treatments and mulesing.
- The short, shedding fleece is also credited with being the main reason that seed contamination in the carcass is a rare occurrence with White Dorpers. A stronger skin and grazing patterns are two other contributing factors.
- White Dorpers are known to be "non selective" grazers, this term can be misleading. It suggests that White Dorpers will eat anything. The White Dorper, whilst still eating a similar diet to other breeds, is content to eat what is under its nose. This has multiple benefits in that there is a large reduction in the amount of forage wasted through trampling, the food intake per metabolic body weight is lower, and we believe the White Dorper crosses are improving our pasture conditions.
- White Dorpers consistently reach a finishing weight faster than other breeds, and they do this with a lower food intake.
- As shown in the show ring, carcase competitions and in analytical comparison between sheep breeds, White Dorpers produce a superior quality and highly sought after carcase. They have a higher percentage of muscle and a lower percentage of fat. Their skins are of superior quality and are highly sought after.
- To see what we are achieving commercially. Click Here.
- High lambing percentages are achievable with White Dorpers. Not only are they a highly fertile breed, with twins being common and a lower ram joining percentage than other breeds, they are also polyoestrus. This means they do not have a defined breeding season, and unlike the more traditional sheep breeds, can breed continuously. Three lambings in twenty four months is achievable, not only in pure bred White Dorpers, but also in F2 and even F1 crosses.
- One of the biggest factors influencing lamb survival rates is that of losses through predators. The White Dorper sheep, bred and developed in a country where there are many natural predators, has inherited a number of characteristics which increase the chance of lamb survival. To begin with a strong flocking instinct is demonstrated in young and old alike. White Dorpers are excellent mothers and are very protective of their young. But perhaps the most significant in relation to predators though, is the extraordinary mobility of lambs at birth. Within minutes of being born lambs are active and alert. This, combined with previously mentioned factors and the large quantity of milk produced by the mother, ensures that the lamb(s) are off to a strong start and are not an easy target for predators.
- The Lambs growth can be obtaining weights of around 40 kgs. at 100 days.
“White Dorper sheep grow on you, their qualities and attributes are far superior to any other sheep breed we have ever had previous experience within our 40 years of sheep breeding. They have a unique character that is a pleasure to work with at all times.”
- Steve Cresswell