21 February 2021
A huge thank you to bidders, underbidders our supporters and those who help get it all done on the day for the 2021 ram sale for Annalara White Dorpers. This is sale saw a 100% clearance of Annalara White Dorper rams and ewes. It's fantastic to see clients having a really good season compared to the last four years. Steve has worked really hard to get the genetics to where it is today and always constantly improving to offer our clients our staples of fertility, carcass weight, and structure. We're building and Annalara White Dorpers to put more lambs on the ground that you can depend on the data. With Jack joining the stud once again we will be introducing new technologies and techniques that will allow us to produce world leading genetics for our clients across Australia. When you have an annual ram and ewe sale It is great to seeNew and returning clients coming from Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and online bidders from across the country via AuctionsPlus. We look forward to working hard in 2021 to bring you more at our annual production sale on the 16th of February 2022. Facts and figures of Annalara White Dorper 15th annual production sale 65 White Dorper rams for an average of $3040 with 100% clearance. The top price ram was lot 65 for $5,200.00 14 Ultra White rams sold for an average of $2057.00 With 100% clearance. The top price Ultra White ram was lot 68 for $3600.00 In this year so we had 260 use available which was sold for 100% clearance and an average of $387. Lot 85 and locked 86 made the top price of $460 per mob. A lot of confidence from the buyers knowing they'll get a good return from the ewes and the season. With both lots joined ready to drop lambs at the end of the month. Thank you to all of those who travelled to the sale to see the rams and ewes in person. You can't beat seeing them face to face to know what you're buying. We hope you enjoy your piece of AWD and look forward to seeing you around throughout the year. Kind regards, Cresswell Family